The University of Swaziland's Biological Sciences Department represents the country in the StopRats project. The Swaziland team is led by Ara Monadjem and Themb'a Mahlaba from the University of Swaziland in collaboration with Nelson Mavuso, Ministry of Agriculture and Wisdom Dlamini, Swaziland National Trust Commission. Field support is provided by Master of Science students from the university; these are: Machawe Maphalala, Fezile Mtsetfwa, Phumlile Simelane, Nonsimiso Simelane and Buhlebenkhosi Mashele.

2nd & 3rd from Left: Machawe and Themb’a at the Madagascar Field School, October 2014
From left to right: Machawe, Fezile, Phumlile, Nonsimiso and Buhlebenkhosi on the way to the Venda Field School, March 2015.
Ara Monadjem in London for the StopRats project inception workshop
Themb'a Mahlaba in London for the StopRats project inception workshop
Ara, Steve and Nelson at the StopRats stakeholder workshop, Malkerns, May 6th 2015